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Description Date Link(s)
PDW30 Point-to-Point Wireless Bridge Instruction ManualAugust 2016LIMW30_A{web}.pdf
On Display - The Precision Digital Magazine, Q1 2016April 2016LMDMAG-16Q1_A.pdf
On Display - The Precision Digital Magazine, Q4 2015November 2015LMDMAG-15Q4_FINAL.pdf
On Display - The Precision Digital Magazine, Q3 2015August 2015LMDMAG-15Q3_A.pdf
ProtEX PD6830 Quick Start GuideJune 2015LIM6830QS_A.pdf
Back to Basics (Part 2): The Funda­mentals of Loop-Powered DevicesMay 2015basics_loop-powered_devices_v2.html
On Display - The Precision Digital Magazine, Q2 2015May 2015LMDMAG-15Q2_B.pdf
Back to Basics (Part 1): The Funda­mentals of 4-20 mA Current LoopsMay 2015basics_4-20_funda­mentals_v2.html
On Display - The Precision Digital Magazine, Q1 2015February 2015LMDMAG-15Q1_A.pdf
The Nullif­ication Contro­versy (Jacksonian America 43.355)May 2013JacksonianAmericaResearchPaper.pdf
A Rude Awakening (The Horror Story 42.217)December 2012A_Rude_Awakening_2012-12-06.pdf
Formation of Religious Counter-Identity: Pagans and Christians in Late Antique RomeDecember 2012Formation_of_Religious_Counter_Identity.pdf
Origin Myths as Identifier for Ideal Cultural Values: Roman and American Origin MythosNovember 2012Origin_Myths.pdf
Milit­arism in 11th Century Byzan­tium: Concept­ualiz­ation in the Icon of the Arch­angel Michael (Byzantine History & Civilization 43.302)May 2012ByzantineIconResearchPaper.pdf
Spartan Women and the Freedom MirageOctober 2011Spartan_Women.pdf

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Simon Paonessa - 10 May 2018, 1:30 PM
Above is a selection of some things that I wrote in college and in my role as technical writer for my company.